1795 N Fry Rd Ste 193 Katy, TX 77449




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As another serious weather event impacts our friends and family along the Florida coast, there are some first principles of which we need reminded:

1. Weather is not punishment from God.  

2. God is eternally FOR His children and does not need strong-armed into acting on their behalf. 

3. Prayer is used by God to change us…not the other way around. 

4. We pray to/with God.  We command to the storm. 

5. As we inhabit prayer, allowing the heart of Father, Son, and Spirit for all people to flow out of our hearts, minds, and mouths, we are experiencing our common-union with Him and all that He has created.  

6. In praying for those in harm’s way, we are not begging God to act, but resting in the eternal changlessnes of His goodness, benevolence, compassion, and mercy.  

7. Prayer is not manipulation, but participation.
The administration is pleased to welcome Dr. Matthew Hester to the theology faculty!  A minister and educator for over two decades, he brings a wealth of experience revealing the unconditional love of God for all people.  Welcome, Dr. Hester!
Amidst some seriously steep competition, Bishop Malcolm Smith remains the best revelatory teacher walking the earth today. He teaches in the trenches of the uncomfortable, that grey area of risk that challenges us to see the ancient with new eyes. So excited for this!
If you have ever struggled to reconcile how the various covenants throughout scripture reflect the image of God revealed in Jesus Christ, Covenants: A Trinitarian Lens is here to help!  Join Professor Cindy Quarles as she journeys through the covenantal encounters of the Bible, explaining how not only are each fully compatible with the beautiful Gospel of Christ, but how they are actually powerful testimonies to the eternal faithfulness of Father, Son, and Spirit to all of creation.  You wont want to miss this! 

(Link to purchase the course is provided in the comments.)
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Paul Anderson-Walsh


Based in London England, Paul Anderson-Walsh is a teacher, author, a broadcaster, inspirational speaker, and church leader. He is the founder and director of The Grace Project.
The strap line of the Grace Project – “Discover who you really are” – articulates the heart and purpose of the initiative. Paul believes that many, if not most, Christians not only have yet to discover this truth but worse, in the absence of this awareness, they (we) are left to live out of our “own” resources with the inevitable consequences of burnout and disillusionment.
Paul’s books: The Bonsai Conspiracy; Safe and Sound and Grace for Grown Ups all speak to this, his main emphasis, what he calls “the gospel to the saved” as expressed by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians – “It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me and the life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” [Gal 2:20].
Paul is a well-respected commentator who is called upon by the BBC television and he is a regular contributor on Radio. One Producer kindly said of Paul, “There are not many intellectuals who’re able to unpack issues in a lay manner, that give clarity, wisdom with deep emotional understanding. He’s popular amongst listeners and viewers alike.”

Far from being a career pastor, Paul is a director of the City-based firm Simply Leaning & Development and is a partner in the Organisational Development and Inclusion practice AWSS LLP.
Whether commercially or pastorally, Paul’s work centres on enabling people to understand the primacy of identity and inclusion. Paul’s clients range from Investment banks to Government Departments.
Paul has been a trusted advisor to numerous business leaders, professional sports people, professional entertainers, singers, actors and musicians, helping them to remove their interior barriers to their own success. The common thread through Paul’s work is his desire to help people realise their full potential. Regardless of the context Paul’s unique gift to communicate peoples’ self-worth and expand their horizons is truly extraordinary.