1795 N Fry Rd Ste 193 Katy, TX 77449




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Melissa Joy Wood


Melissa Joy Wood is a fourth generation minister. She has led in the capacities of worship pastor and senior pastor for over a decade. Melissa has an education in Communications and Theology which has afforded her the opportunity to be involved in many successful ventures.
She directed Avenue Revivalist Ministry School, she has taught high school public speaking, she leads marriage conferences with her husband, Rick, and itinerates on occasion. Melissa also authored the highly-acclaimed book, Eliminating Fear: How Removing the Fear of God Leads to Removing Fear in Life. The response to this book led to the development of Fearless Joy Ministries, where she and Rick focus on releasing people into a life free from fear and full of joy through the gospel of Jesus.
Melissa has been married to Rick since 2001, and they have three amazing children. They currently live in Portland, Oregon, where they enjoy life and ministry.