1795 N Fry Rd Ste 193 Katy, TX 77449




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Mike Zenker

Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry

Mike Zenker began pastoral ministry in 1990. Currently Mike is the Sr. Pastor of Hope Fellowship Community Church in Waterloo, ON. As well, he is the National Director for Grace Walk Ministries in Canada. Having been part of a number of different church denominations, Mike refers to himself as ‘multi-tribal’. This has given Mike tremendous exposure to multi-faceted expressions of how believers respond to Jesus Christ. In 2000, Mike was deeply impacted by the book “Grace Walk” by Steve McVey. It was while reading this book that God revealed to Mike who he was in Christ and who Christ was in him. Realizing that he had not heard this truth ‘packaged’ like this before, he contacted Grace Walk Ministries and began the exciting journey of connecting with this ministry. In 2006, Grace Walk Canada was launched as a ministry to ‘Share the Love and Life of Christ’ across Canada. Now Mike spends his time teaching the foundations of who we are in Christ as well as the profound truth of who Christ is in us. The bride of Christ (the church) needs to have a deeper and clearer understanding of who God is and that He is lavishing His love on the world. When we see each other and the world as God sees, then true love (agape) will come flowing out of us towards others.